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Cracking the Dyslexia Code (Introduction)
Cracking the Dyslexia Code (Introduction)
By Gerald Hughes, Director
Neuro-linguistic Learning Center
All Rights Reserved
Table of Contents
Dyslexia - The Four Horseman. xiv
Stress (Lack of Focus and Attention): xiv
Visual Perception (Dyseidetic Dyslexia): xv
Auditory Perception (Dysphonetic Dyslexia): xv
Part One: Understanding Dyslexia 1
Chapter One: Stress is the Enemy. 2
Chapter Two: Sensory Integration. 6
Chapter Three: Visual Perception. 11
Chapter Four: Auditory Perception. 18
Chapter Five: Visual Reading. 23
Chapter Six: One Word at a Time. 33
Chapter Seven: One Sentence at a Time. 35
Chapter Eight: One Paragraph at a Time. 38
Chapter Nine: One Page at a Time. 39
Chapter Ten: One-Minute Reading Review. 40
Part Two: Ten Steps to Success 41
Exercise 1.1: Relax Your Breathings. 42
Exercise 1.2: Total Awareness – Total Focus. 42
Exercise 1.3: Visual Mode – Hold the image. 43
Step Two: Sensory Integration. 44
Exercise 2.1: Peas Porridge Hot (ages 3 to 7): 44
Exercise 2.2: Balloon Juggling (ages 5-9): 45
Exercise 2.3: Marching in Place (ages 2 and up): 45
Exercise 2.4: Cross-Walks (ages 5 and up): 45
Exercise 2.5: Crossing Sit-ups: 46
Exercise 2.6: Finger-Knitting (ages 5 and up): 47
Exercise 2.7: Juggling (advanced, ages 12 and up): 47
Step Three: Visual Perception. 49
Exercise 3.1: Building the Alphabet. 49
Exercise 3.2: The Disappearing Letter Game. 50
Exercise 3.3: Building Words. 53
Exercise 3.4: Follow the Letters. 53
Exercise 3.5: Before and After. 54
Exercise 3.6: Letters Lost in Space. 54
Step Four: Auditory Perception. 56
Step Five: Visual Vocabulary. 59
Step Six: One Word at a Time. 63
Step Seven: One Sentence at a Time. 64
Step Eight: One Paragraph at a Time. 66
Step Nine: One Page at a Time. 67
Step Ten: The One-Minute Reading Review. 68
Part Three: Reading for All Ages 70
Cracking the Dyslexia Code in 15 Minutes a Day. 71
NLC Comprehensive Cracking the Dyslexia Code Program.. 75
Stress is the Enemy of Learning. 75
Step One: Focus and Attention. 75
Step Two: Sensory Integration. 76
Step Three: Visual Perception. 76
Step Four: Auditory Perception. 77
Step Five: Words and Meaning. 77
Step Six: One Word at a time. 79
Step Seven: One Sentence at a Time. 79
Step Eight: One Paragraph at a time. 79
Step Nine: One Page at a Time. 79
Step Ten: The One-Minute Reading Review. 79
A few reminders to all parents and coaches. 80
NLC Reading Readiness Program.. 80
Characteristics of at-risk children: 81
Step One: Stress is the Enemy. 84
Step Two: Sensory Integration. 86
Part Four: Advanced Learning Skills 89
Reading for Pleasure: Novels. 90
Reading to Learn: Text Books and Manuals. 91
Review What You’ve Learned. 104
Part Five: Additional Resources 121
Smartphone Applications by the Author. 121
About the Author
Gerald Hughes spent most of his scholastic life struggling with the effects of Dyslexia, ADHD, and OCD. While he excelled in both Math and science, his other studies suffered terribly due to his ongoing struggle with reading and writing. By his Junior year, he had virtually given up on academics.
A decade passed before Gerald decided to tackle college. He majored in both communications and computer science.
In 2006, Gerald founded the Neuro-Linguistic Learning Center in California. Since then, Gerald has been assisting children, teens and adults in overcoming the effects of Dyslexia, ADHD, Autism and other sensory-based learning challenges.
Gerald is father to six children, several of whom have had their own struggles with Dyslexia and ADHD. It was after helping his own children through their struggles that Gerald left a successful career in Architecture and turned his attention toward helping other children struggling with the effects of Dyslexia, ADHD and Autism.
It was only after three years as Director of the Neuro-linguistic Learning Center, that new testing confirmed that Gerald, himself, is actually on the Autism Spectrum.
He is author of several books, and training programs, including “Gifted—Not Broken: Overcoming Dyslexia, ADHD and Other Learning Challenges”, “The Quick Fix: A Recipe for Bliss”, and “Cracking the Personality Code: The F.A.C.E. Guide to Personality and Relationships”.
BEFORE YOU BEGIN READING, it is important to understand and appreciate the five parts of this life-changing text.
Part One: Understanding Dyslexia is the “WHAT” and the “WHY” of Dyslexia. It explains, in detail, the four issues underlying most common reading struggles.
Part Two: Ten Steps to Success is the “HOW TO” section of the book. It explains, in detail, each of the exercises and how they are used to overcome the most common reading struggles.
Part Three: Reading for All Ages is the “JUST DO IT” section of the book. It takes the reader straight to our popular reading programs without the what and why explanations.
If the reader wishes to skip the menu and meal, then feel free to jump straight to Part Three.
Part Four: Advanced Learning Skills takes the reader through advanced strategies for reading, writing, and memorization.
Part Five: Additional Resources provides the reader with additional information on books, applications, and programs by the author.
If you like to see the details first, if you need to understand the who, what, where, why, and how, of something BEFORE you begin, then Cracking the Dyslexia Code: Part One is written for you.
Conversely, if you're a “get to the point” person and YOU WANT TO GET GOING NOW, then Cracking the Dyslexia Code: Part Three was written just for you.
In whatever way you choose to implement the Cracking the Dyslexia Code Program, your results will speak for themselves. And while no one can guarantee specific results for a given individual, our experience is that 95% of struggling readers who complete all ten steps of the Cracking the Dyslexia Code Program will enjoy a significant increase in reading speed, comprehension, and retention.
The important thing is, don’t wait to get started. This is NOT a self-help book to leaf through and then leave on the shelf gathering dust.
THIS IS A VERY SHORT PROGRAM. There is no put off getting started and no need to rush. Just a 10-15 minutes a day can make all the difference in the world.
Some techniques, such as the spelling technique and the technique to increase retention can bring about significant improvement in as little as one day!
Just a few principles are all you need to begin reading easier, faster, and with more enjoyment:
- Don’t wait. Get started today.
- Don’t rush. This is a simple 10-step program. You’ll begin seeing results sooner than you think.
Cracking the Dyslexia Code is the culmination of 10 years of research and development at the Neuro-Linguistic Learning Center in Northern California.
Neuro-Linguistic Learning Center was founded in 2006 by Gerald Hughes with the single mission, to help children, teens, and adults in overcoming the effects of Dyslexia, ADHD and other Learning Challenges. It was out of this mission that the Cracking the Dyslexia Code Program was born.
Cracking the Dyslexia Code is a step-by-step, easy-to-implement process that addresses the four principle issues or subtypes underlying most reading struggles. These four issues are:
- Stress (Focus and Attention)
- Sensory Integration
- Visual Perception
- Auditory Perception
NLC research showed us again and again that when these four issues are addressed, most reading struggles virtually disappear. With most remedial reading systems, struggling readers were required to spend hundreds of hours on phonics drills and remedial reading practice.
Thanks to Cracking the Dyslexia Code, many struggling readers can increase their comprehension and retention in just the first few hours of practice.
Cracking the Dyslexia Code is NOT designed for “normal” readers. Cracking the Dyslexia Code is specifically designed to address the unique Sensory Perception and Processing issues that most struggling readers face.
Cracking the Dyslexia Code step-by-step program is easily self-administered by teens and adults. Younger children are easily coached through the program by a parent or teacher.
The ONLY requirement for success is to get started. A modest investment of only 30 minutes a day for five consecutive days will absolutely yield positive results.
One last note: I’ve gone to great lengths to overcome my own limitations and set a good example with my spelling and grammar in this publication. That said, I have taken some license with capitalization, font size and other editorial devices to convey our message as clearly and concisely as possible.
I hope you enjoy Cracking the Dyslexia Code. More than that, I hope that you and/or your child use this information to find new success in all your reading and learning endeavors.
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