Hyper-focus is a common behavior in some ADHD and ASD profiles. Hyper-focus can make it difficult to transition from one activity to another. It can also make it difficult to balance competing needs and priorities.
It's important to distinguish between hyper-focus and impulse control. Sensory needs combined with impulse control can look very similar to hyper-focus.
If it is, indeed, hyper-focus, here's a simple ADHD/ASD mind hack.
1) At a time when you're relatively relaxed and have a few minutes when you won't be disturbed, take the item/project on which you'd like to focus and visualize it as a small, black and white image far away (about the size of postage stamp).
2) Visualize your daydream or hyper-focus big and bright and in your face.
3) Move it even closer. Make it bigger and brighter.
4) Feel the overwhelming intensity of the image. Make so big and bright that it's almost blinding you.
5) As if both pictures are being pulled in opposite directions be a giant rubber band, allow the images to switch places with the hyper-focus image quickly fading and becoming smaller while the new item/project becomes big and bright and important. Feel the importance, the need and desire pulling the image toward you...
6) TAKE ACTION IMMEDIATELY. With the image fresh in your mind. Do something with the item/project you've chosen. It could be as simple as make a list or research online or send an email, but do SOMETHING.
7) Notice the FEELING of satisfaction or accomplishment by taking action.
8) Repeat as needed.
For more mind hacks and other strategies, pick up, "Waves--Not Spoons" or contact us directly.
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